Dashi is one of the most important ingredient for Japanese cuisine. The taste of Japanese food heavily depends on this. So we will introduce proper Dashi recipe here and would like you to use this for our Dried Konyaku recipes!
Please also have look at the blog about Dashi.
Recipe by Tsuyoshi @ ex-Otabe Kafe
Dashi is one of the most important ingredient for Japanese cuisine. The taste of Japanese food heavily depends on this. So we will introduce proper Dashi recipe here and would like you to use this for our Dried Konyaku recipes!
Soak dried shiitake and kombu in filtered water over night
Place all in a saucepan and bring it just before boiling
Simmer (not boiling) for 20 min
Remove Shiitake and Kombu. That clear soup is the Dashi
1. Never boil kombu seaweed to keep the “umami flavour”
2. Can be frozen after it cools down for future use
3. Chop the leftover shiitake and kombu, cook / use them in stir fried rice etc
Soak dried shiitake and kombu in filtered water over night
Place all in a saucepan and bring it just before boiling
Simmer (not boiling) for 20 min
Remove Shiitake and Kombu. That clear soup is the Dashi